
Showing posts from December, 2017
  MASS DEFECT AND BINDING ENERGY          The separate laws of Conservation of Mass and Conservation of Energy are not applied strictly on the nuclear level. It is possible to convert between mass and energy. Instead of two separate conservation laws, a single conservation law states that the sum of mass and energy is conserved. Mass does not magically appear and disappear at random. A decrease in mass will be accompanied by a corresponding increase in energy and vice versa.  DEFINE the following terms:                  a. Mass defect                  b. Binding energy  1.8 Given the atomic mass for a nuclide and the atomic masses of a neutron, proton, and electron, CALCULATE the mass defect and binding energy of the nuclide. Mass Defect            Careful measurements have shown that the mass of a particular atom is always slightly less than the sum of the masses of the individual neutrons, protons, and electrons of which the atom consists. The difference between the mass
                   Biodegradable Polymers:                                                                                                                                                        Rebirth of Plastic Introduction Plastics are being used all over the world. From drinking cups and disposable silverware to parts for automobiles and motorcycles, plastics are continuing to rise. Plastics have been an environmental trepidation because of the lack of degradation. Plastics make up about 20% by volume waste per year. There are over 21,000 plastics facilities in the US, and the employment rate has increased by an average of three percent over the past two and a half decades. Plastics are extremely important to the job market as well as packaging throughout the world. Since plastics are vital to people’s everyday lives, production of biodegradable plastics to make plastics more compatible with the environment is necessary.